What would Patty do?
Patty's Christmas Kitchen
Spreading Love through food the same way she did in her own kitchen!
Patty Walsh Loreto
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About Patty's Christmas Kitchen

Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen dba Patty’s Christmas Kitchen

Purpose and Goal(s)

     To prepare, provide and personally deliver Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Dinners at no cost to people and families dealing with the devastating impact of either ovarian cancer (it took Patty's life), a health crisis, financial crisis, or people and families living at or below the poverty level, primarily but not exclusively senior citizens.  PCK will be honored to serve these individuals and families regardless of their race, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or any other recognized class of citizen.  The sole mission of Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen is to provide Love, Hope and Kindness through meals prepared with the same Love that Patty used throughout her entire lifetime to prepare and provide meals for folks in need.


     Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen has no legal affiliation with or obligation to any other organization either expressed or implied but shall maintain mutually beneficial relationships with other like-minded non-profits or for profit entities.

Staffing and Volunteers

     Participation and involvement in Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen shall be solely and entirely staffed by inspired volunteers.  There are no paid staff members or workers.  There are no membership dues.  There are no requirements for cash or any other form of contributions.  Every penny and donation raised from any and all sources will go directly to the purchase of food and delivery of meals to the people that we serve.  The sole requirement of all volunteers is that their involvement is predicated on the concept of pure, total and unconditional Love for their fellow man and the citizens that this organization serves. 

     The Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen Volunteers shall not and will not discriminate against any prospective volunteers or the people it serves regardless of race, national origin, color, religion, gender, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, and/or ability.

Patty Walsh Loreto's Christmas Kitchen - a 501(c)(3) non-profit