What would Patty do?
Patty's Christmas Kitchen
Spreading Love through food the same way she did in her own kitchen!
Patty Walsh Loreto
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The Mission of Patty's Christmas Kitchen

Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen will prepare, provide and personally deliver Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Dinners at no cost to individuals and families in their time of need, especially those dealing with the devastating impact of either ovarian cancer (which took her life), a health crisis, a financial crisis, or people and families living at or below the poverty level, especially but not exclusively senior citizens. 

The ultimate mission of Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen is to provide Love, Hope and Kindness through meals that are prepared with the same Love that Patty herself gave throughout her entire lifetime in preparing and delivering meals for anyone and everyone in their time of need.

Patty Walsh Loreto’s Christmas Kitchen is committed to serving all individuals and families regardless of their race, sex, religion, nationality, ethnicity or sexual orientation, simply anyone and everyone in their time of need – absolutely no exceptions. 

    Patty Walsh Loreto's Christmas Kitchen - a 501(c)(3) non-profit